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HubNut & Rover 800 Club
Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 10:47 am
by Mr Teddy Bear
Possibly due to being a sad old bloke, I've become a avid watcher of his old car adventures on YouTube.
He is presently looking after a base model Rover 800 that has supposedly been bought collectively by the Rover 800 Club. However he went to collect it, has been fetling it, plus forked out £400 to get it through it's MOT. AS it's not his car a certain amount of iritation is coming across in the dialogue.
The 800 Club and car clubs in general are coming in for some stick in the comments that follow the video, I wonder if they know, they're getting a bad press?
HubNut has 30,000 YouTube followers by the way!
This perfectly illustrates the problems of jointly/club owned vehicles that lack any sort of group funding or planned/costed maintenance schedule.
Re: HubNut & Rover 800 Club
Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 11:08 am
by Vinny1979
I watch him too

Re: HubNut & Rover 800 Club
Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 11:48 am
by clayts450
I know Ian, he's a regular contributor on an old car forum I frequent. I believe he was only ever supposed to be the temporary custodian of the vehicle on behalf of the club (it was offered to them for free) to save it from being scrapped, but he did want to get it through the MoT as he had been using it. There are other odds and sods needed to keep it fighting fit (usual roof rot) but, rightly so, he really doesn't want to spend any more on it. It's a bit of an albatross around his neck right now.
I do think the 800 club need to do the right thing by him and at least ensure he's not out of pocket. Whether that means gifting him the car or not, not too sure.
As you say, complicated.
Re: HubNut & Rover 800 Club
Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 10:14 pm
by richard moss
The feedback on the 800 club is poor - dictatorial management, poor organisation etc
Conversely, our forum is much more friendly -
Re: HubNut & Rover 800 Club
Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 10:23 pm
by ROVER Cabby
Friendly ? 1234dist is constantly slapping my legs.

Re: HubNut & Rover 800 Club
Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 11:05 pm
by ROVER Cabby
Well if he was just 'looking after it' for them then he should have just parked it up in a dry garage,
nobody has forced him to spend his own money on it, i'm sure if the club did a whip round first or
if he asked his Supporters/Subs/Viewers/Patrons for funds to fix it then do videos about it then
he would get Ad revenue off the video like most car channels do, just sounds like a bit of a back
handed comment to me.
Re: HubNut & Rover 800 Club
Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 10:49 am
by Mr Teddy Bear
Yes I realise that there is more to it, in that he's getting some sort of revenue via YouTube & Lancaster Insurance.
But that doesn't change the fact that it was a neglected car, needing more spending on it than it's worth and he has sorted out every wheel station, plus various ball joints, sill welding etc for it's MOT.
Others would have sorted most of the brake/caliper issues themselves I expect; it's had approx' 800 spent on it to get a years ticket and probably another couple of years reliable motoring for some one.
Re: HubNut & Rover 800 Club
Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 7:38 am
by ROVER Cabby
As you said he could have save some dollar and got more content YouTube wise if he did the work himself,
would have made for a more interesting series of vids on how to save a good old car on the cheap and get
it back on the road.
Innit' bruv !