Classic Car Loan Project: Rover 214SLi available to a young enthusiast for 12 months starting November 2023

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220 GSi turbo
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Classic Car Loan Project: Rover 214SLi available to a young enthusiast for 12 months starting November 2023

Post by 220 GSi turbo »

The Classic Car Loan Project aims to bring 'young blood' into the classic car community by offering the use of a classic car for 12 months without having to purchase it.

Last summer, I bought a 1993 Rover 214 SLi off a club member, recommissioned it and made it available to the scheme.

I handed it over to Ian, who has looked after it carefully during the loan period, covered nearly 5,000 miles of show and pleasure use and also brought it to the NEC in March so that we could do some maintenance on it during the Restoration Show.

Ian's loan comes to an end in November and the car will be looking for another home for the next 12 months.

The general terms of the scheme are that the 'borrower' should be aged between 25 and 45, have the use of a garage to store the car in, and will take it to classic car events while maintaining a diary of activity. This would include photos and short reports to post on the CCLP's website and social media. They would already own an 'everyday' car, as it is not intended that the classic car would be their main form of transport!
The costs involved are VED ('road tax'), petrol, insurance (the CCLP assists with arranging a policy through Peter James Insurance) and general maintenance.

More details can be found on the CCLP's website or Facebook page

If anybody knows of a young person who would be interested in taking the 214 on for a year, please visit the CCLP website to find out how to apply :)
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220 GSi turbo
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Re: Classic Car Loan Project: Rover 214SLi available to a young enthusiast for 12 months starting November 2023

Post by 220 GSi turbo »

Update: the car will be available from the end of this month.

I have one interested person at the there anybody else out there?
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