Can't add photos?

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Re: Can't add photos? Trying Again

Post by JEASPEKE »


It works now!

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Re: Can't add photos?

Post by CV35Rover »

Liverpoolman1 wrote:Yes, I, too, have not posted pics here as I do not have a Flickr or Photobucket account and don't really want one. Surely there is an "attach" option somewhere that would make picture adding simpler. It's the complexity of the operation that puts off non-techies like me. I am sure I am not alone in this regard.
For me its not so much the technical bit but the risk of having pictures (of whatever subject) outside of my Laptops Hard Drive or control. With all the risks of cyber crime now (including Cyber 'framing where an innocent party is implicated in a crime by a cyber attack) I'd prefer total control of what if anything can be accessed, I believe the links to hosing sites can offer a direct route to the owners Computer if both the user and the person/computer accessing the link are in the site at the same time.

So for me I'd be happy to pay a bit if it meant I passed images over rather than allowed unfettered access to a personal photo repository.
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Re: Can't add photos?

Post by RoverRevival »

you have been watching far too many spy films :blink
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Re: Can't add photos?

Post by Liverpoolman1 »

Yes, I agree with CV35Rover. There are too many clever dicks out there trying to get access to other peoples computers. If you have ever been hacked you will know what a bind it is to sort it out. Why these talented people cannot use their undoubted talents to the good of others defeats me.

Watching too many spy films? I think not. If your TV is accessible via the internet your home environment may not be as secure as you think.

So, what do we make of this dilemma which keeps coming up on the forum? We need an easy and secure means of posting pictures - simple!
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Re: Can't add photos?

Post by RoverRevival »

Ok, lets say you are one of these talentless halfwits.

Lets for one second think, you live in the most accessible house on the planet with no firewalls or antivirus of ny description.

And finally as a nail in your coffin you keep your sort code and account number on you computer :scared

Are you really going to be bother to hack johnny nobody to get his sort code and account number to do what with?
No, you wouldn't because what's the point!

You might be able to say "i hacked johnny nobody to your 3 internet friends" who all reply with "who cares".


Would you attack a multinational and maybe have a bit of a challenge on your hands. As they will have firewalls and will have antiviruses and have quite a number of very talented people working 24hrs a day to stop you. Lets say that multinational is Microsoft or (fish in a barrell i know) the sony network and your attack takes down their site. Thousands of people are going to know about your hack.

You are a victim of propaganda from antivirus companies like norton ect. Norton owning the current largest database of known viruses and have teams of people creating viruses, then releasing them and offering the antivirus to combat it.

As for being hacked personally, i'll assume it was more down to you bank account being emptied, no doubt via a credit or debit card you openly use every time you buy something online. We freely give our 16 digits to these autonomous machines without batting an eyelid as to who or what is at the other end as long as we get our part/product.

I have one account for when i pay by card. i transfer the exact amount i am going to be paying in that account before i do the transaction so there is no chance of ever being "Overcharged" shall we say.

Wow, that rambled on a bit, :oops

We need an easy and secure means of posting pictures - simple!
Back on point, Joomla doesn't allow the storage capacity to upload images to forums and i'm pretty sure that is why PHPBB designed all forums to have the IMG option so the sizes don't need the storage or the bandwidth to host images (in my case) up to 24mb per picture).

200oc does have its own photobucket account and i'm sure Jeremy will happily offer the login details if you want them.
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Re: Can't add photos?

Post by Montegoman »

As Craig has said, we have a club photobucket account that can be used. PM me if you would like the access details. So that I know who I'm giving the details to, I will restrict it to paid up club members only to prevent somebody registering on the forum and loading up inappropriate photos (like pictures of Fords!!!) or messing about with other photos already on there.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Can't add photos?

Post by Paul_1978_yorks »

I'm sure it is not possible to hack a computer simply from looking at a URL to an image posted on a third party hosting site such as Flickr!
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Re: Can't add photos?

Post by GTiJohn »

Just thought I'd add this helpful link here - ... =1&t=12794 :cool
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