The website and forum are also being moved to a different web host, so the new domain name server details will have to be propogated across the world-wide-web. This can take anything up to a few days - although the website and forum shouldn't be offline for that long (hopefully!). You may notice that you get redirected to a different url during the propogation period, but your username and password will remain the same throughout, regardless of which url you are directed to.
You should still be able to access the website throughout, but it will change to the new look at some point during Friday morning:

I will put any announcements concerning the forum migration on the website. You may also contact me via the website "Contact Us" by selecting "Webmaster/Forum" if you have any issues - but please bear in mind you are unlikely to get a swift response!
As well as a new look website, you will find the forum is integrated into the main website. But probably the best news is that you will be able to upload photos directly to the forum (within certain limitations, obviously

Apologies in advance for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience and understanding.